A sanctuary with a heart
Tiger Haven is a Sanctuary and Rescue facility for big cats when they have no place to go. Tiger Haven is a "no kill"
shelter for big cats, including tigers, lions, leopards, cougars, jaguars, cheetahs and ligers, and smaller cats, such as lynx and bobcat.

The cats who come here for sanctuary are given a permanent home for life. They are not sold or given away. Tiger Haven does not breed the cats or make them work for a living. The cats here truly enjoy the good life, and they deserve it!
A team of dedicated caregivers caters to the cats and provides a permanent home where they can enjoy their days in peace and contentment. All the cats at Tiger Haven receive a natural balanced diet, room to run, and the best medical care provided by the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medical Center.
Tiger Haven is supported solely by generous donors across the world. We receive no state or government funds. Please consider sponsoring one of the great cats that call Tiger Haven home.